Rylee’s Baptism. What a wonderful day!

Our oldest niece turned 8 on Friday. In the LDS faith this birthday is quite special because it is the age that children can get baptized and take the gift of the Holy Ghost. This marks the day of becoming an official member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Sweet Rylee had been preparing and patiently waiting for this day for a few years. On Saturday, the whole family gathered in the chapel adjacent to the Sacramento temple to be part of Rylees baptism. Uncle Tom and Dan were the witnesses. Oma and grandpa each gave talks and Rylee’s dad, Jon, was the one who baptized her. It was a simple but sacred ordinance and the spirit was definitely present. Afterwards we went in front of the temple to take a few pictures. It is one of the hardest things ever to try and take one good picture of all the children…the bright sunlight made it even more challenging, but it’s always fun to attempt it nonetheless.  Later we went to Kim’s house and enjoyed a great meal. Some of the boys played football and others watched. Families are the best! Here are a few pictures of the day.

P.S. We always miss Brittany and her family 😦

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